Investment Opportunities for Products
a botanical injectable treating pains
Route of Administration: subcutaneous, intramuscular, and intra-articular administration
Current Status: The product, first used by Indigenous peoples in North America, has been utilized for pain relief in the United States since the 1930s, predating the FDA's establishment. It is a botanical solution made from a single plant and is currently available as a prescription medication in the US market. The manufacturer is seeking investment to conduct phase 3 trials to validate its efficacy by exchanging product equity.
Manufacture: Product is GMP manufactured in the US and currently is a prescription medicine on the US market.
Indication: sciatic pain, intercostal neuralgia, alchoholic neuritis, occipital neuralgia, brachial plexus neuralgia, meralgia paresthetica, lumbar neuralgia, trigeminal neuralgia.
a Botanical Extract to Treat Nephrotic Syndrome
A botanical extract from a single plant leave has been extensively studied by prelinical studies, phase 1, and phase 2 trials in China. Currently, this product is seeking nephrotic syndrome indication in the US.
A phase 2 IND has been filed to the FDA and had received FDA response. The client is addressing the FDA's questions.
The sponsor is seeking investment to conduct the phase 2a study once obtaining FDA's approval to move forward.